Sustainable Landscape Practices in Central Virginia

Sustainable Landscaping - BCLS Landscape Services

BCLS Landscape Services

“Corporate sustainability is about doing what’s right for your business
financially, socially and environmentally”.


Our Sustainable Landscape Program:

Our Sustainable Landscapes Program provides direction, technical assistance, public attention, and national and regional recognition for clients that incorporate conservation techniques for commercial & residential landscapes, municipal landscape areas, neighborhood and community common areas, parks, sport fields, and virtually any type of managed landscape area.

What Are the Benefits of Sustainable Lanscaping?

When landscapes require excessive amounts of water, energy, labor, and other resources, environmental and economic costs outweigh many of the natural benefits of urban landscapes. In contrast, sustainable landscapes feature healthier, longer-lived plants that rely less on chemical pesticides and fertilizers, minimize water use, and reduce waste generation and disposal. They also require less maintenance and alleviate groundwater and air pollution problems.

Sustainable landscaping practices incorporate beautiful plants, shrubs, and trees and reduce maintenance costs while at the same time protect the environment. Using sustainable landscape maintenance practices also makes good business sense. Using the Sustainable Landscapes Program as a guide will reduce resource depletion, reduce waste, and pollution problems while also improving the health of the landscape in an aesthetically pleasing and cost-effective manner.

Our Sustainable Landscape Program Encourages…

  • Building Healthy Soils
  • Using Fertilizer Efficiently
  • Irrigating Efficiently
  • Reusing Organic Materials On-Site
  • Practicing Pollution Prevention
  • Retrofitting Inefficient Landscapes
  • Think Recycle/Buy Recycled

Our sustainable practices include:

  • Use of propane mowers
  • Use of battery handheld equipment
  • Trailers equipped with solar panels
  • Monitoring irrigation systems for reduction in water use
  • Installing native plans and perennials when possible
  • Composting landscape waste
  • Recycling plastic plant containers
  • Applying one-application fertilizer
  • Use deicing materials only as necessary – applying them at the right time and right amounts
  • Combining liquid and rock salt (which is better for the environment)
  • We leave grass clippings in place to reduce waste
  • We change mowing patterns to reduce soil compaction
  • We use only locally sourced mulch to reduce transportation emissions and cost
  • Integrated pest management (which is a cost-effective approach that uses predator insects and other environmentally based tools to prevent or minimize infestations)
  • Paperless time keeping system
  • GPS equipped fleet so we can create the most efficient routes which reserves fuel


The whole concept behind our sustainable program is based on the idea that there is an obligation to protect the environment, use materials and processes that are regenerative, actively contribute to the development of healthy communities. More specifically, sustainable landscapes consider the carbon footprint, clean the air and water, increase energy efficiency, and restore habitats. Ultimately, landscaped environments that considers these factors will provide added value, respect, and recognition. We empower our clients to consider our unique approach in the consideration of the procurement of their landscape management contracts.

BCLS Landscape Services of Central Virginia

12134 Washington Hwy, Ashland, VA 23005 – Phone (804) 752-0052