As Another Thanksgiving Is Upon Us
BCLS Landscape Services of Central Virginia
“The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest.” ~William Blake
Here in the United States, we celebrate thanksgiving on November 23rd. For most of us, that means time with family, great food, and a chance to reflect on what we’re thankful for from the past year. When I look back on this year, I can’t help but be thankful for some amazing blessings. Among them…
- Celebrating each one of my family member’s personal and professional journey…
- OUR TEAM, who make me better than I am.
- Our TEAM for continually learning and GROWING as individuals and collectively together.
- Our One Year Anniversary on the acquisition of BCLS Landscape Services sitting upon the foundation of twenty years in business.
- Everything I’ve been taught by others so far in 2017.
- You, our customers. I’m so grateful for your support.
As quoted by W.T. Purkiser; “Thanksgiving is not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving”
From our family to your family, Happy Thanksgiving!
Warmest regards
Steven Cohen, CEO & The entire BCLS Landscape Services TEAM